We are excited to announce our panel line-up for Cyberposium. For full list of speakers, please visit the website.
Topic: Consumer Web
Panel 1: Emerging E-Commerce
New models of ecommerce are taking the market by storm. Web-based sharing, collaborative consumption, professional curation and new subscription offers are growing users and attracting VC funding. Which new models will make it to critical mass and which are simply fads? Will larger incumbents respond with their own offers?
Companies: Lyst, Birchbox, Beachmint, Bain Capital Ventures, Warby Parker
Panel 2: Bridging the Online/Offline Disconnect
New business models and mobile proliferation are unlocking powerful new services that connect online and offline behaviors. Consumers are increasingly integrating the internet into their everyday lives and receiving real-time services and information. How are “online” tools evolving to impact, enhance and disrupt our “offline” lives? How are business able to capture this value? Are these services too complex to benefit mass-market consumers?
Companies: Groupon, Skillshare, eBay, Side Tour, Flybridge Capital Partners
Panel 3: Evolution of Social
Social networking continues to change as user engagement increases and the number of friendships and ancillary web applications explodes. New models such as micro-networks and enterprise-networks are already gaining traction. How will we interact differently with social networks going forward? Which players are best positioned to benefit?
Companies: GroupMe, Highland Capital Partners, Google, Sonar
Topic: Digital Media
Panel 1: The Future of Online Advertising
New and powerful online advertising models are opening up. Social advertising is competing with search, web video ads are competing for TV spend and browser tracking is becoming the norm for enhanced targeting. How are advertiser’s mindsets changing and what are the largest near-term opportunities in this ecosystem? What threats will slow future growth?
Companies: Lightbank, Greystripe, Google, Digitas, AOL
Panel 2: Emerging Content Business Models
Digital content is now ubiquitous and, for every type of media, new models are emerging. How will access to news, magazines, music and video evolve? Which business models are working and which aren’t? How are tablets and other emerging devices being leveraged? How should content owners adjust their distribution strategies going forward?
Companies: Sugar Inc., Cisco, Bravo, Activate
Panel 3: Online Video
Web video is becoming mainstream and the trend of cord-cutting has already started. How will traditional studios and cable networks survive the shift without sacrificing revenue? Will cable operators or emerging digital content aggregators ultimately dominate web video distribution? How will web-enabled televisions impact the ecosystem?
Companies: Boxee, Ustream Inc., Sony Network Entertainment, Entreprenuers Roundtable Accelerator, NBC Universal
Panel 4: eBooks - From Print to Digital
Traditional “print” materials are increasingly being consumed via digital devices. How will e-content be published and licensed in the future? Which devices will the mass-market adopt for their e-reading needs? Will paper-based books and traditional retail models interact with e-books going forward? Who wins and loses as ereading gains critical mass?
Companies: Chegg, Random House Publishing Group, Byliner Inc., HBS, BarnesandNoble.com
Topic: Enterprise
Panel 1: Cloud Wars
Large platform and application providers are battling for dominance in the cloud. Software players, datacenter providers, web companies and new entrants are all competing for contracts with large enterprise customers. How are customer preferences evolving around pricing, scalability and interoperability? What will it take for successful cloud players to dominate and achieve scale?
Companies: Globespan, Dropbox, Intuit Inc., Cloudswitch, salesforce.com
Panel 2: Cloud Apps for the SMB
Cloud services are radically transforming how small businesses operate. Web-based services like filesharing, video conferencing, CRM and social networking are being adopted at lower costs and with no training requirements. Which new entrants and emerging opportunities have the greatest distruption potential? How will revenue models evolve?
Companies: Intuit Inc, oDesk Corp, Polycom
Topic: Mobile
Panel 1: Mobile Payments
Mobile payments are making the leap from E-Commerce into physical retail. Services like virtual wallets, shopping assistants, mobile self-checkout and dynamic couponing are gaining traction. Which competitors are moving toward critical mass and which aren’t? How will partnerships contribute to a platform’s success and who will extract the most value?
Companies: Intuit Inc., LevelUp, AisleBuyer, Where, MoreMagic
Panel 2: Mobile Advertising
The next phase of mobile advertising has already begun. Location-targeted offers, in-app interactivity and rich media are increasing user engagement and boosting ad prices. Which new ad types and practices are gaining the most traction? How will privacy concerns or device and platform fragmentation slow future growth?
Companies: Ogilvy & Mather, AisleBuyer, New Enterprise Associates, Razorfish, Localytics, Microsoft
Panel 3: Mobile Gaming
The mobile device is on its way to becoming a mass-market gaming platform. Multi-player and social features, freemium games and tablet versions are increasingly populating the market. How big will this market get and how are gamer demographics changing? Who will own the underlying platforms and will they implement tougher terms for game developers?
Companies: Pocket Gems, TinyCo, Zynga, Gameloft Inc., Nextview Ventures